Category Archives: Homer

A Hero’s Hero – Alexander and Achilles

Source: A Hero’s Hero – Alexander and Achilles A Hero’s Hero – Alexander and Achilles OCTOBER 28, 20112 COMMENTS Alexander Alexander conquered most of the known world of his time. His empire stretched from Macedonia to Persia to Egypt to the North-Western border of India. He was a legend even during his time. There was speculation about whether he was god […]

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Odyssey by Homer

Ulysses and the Sirens (1891) by John William Waterhouse

Odyssey Odyssey: No task is a bridge too far Odyssey [1190 BC] by Homer the immortal Greek poet, one of the twin sequels to the great epic poem of Iliad [the other being Aeneid by Virgil], a  magnificent diamond of heavenly radiance that dazzles forever in the cosmicscape of Western Literature, wouldn’t be constrained by a very ordinary human-invented concept called regular […]

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