bunpeiris Random Thoughts

bunpeiris Random Thoughts
22nd May 2016
We are all alone. By bunpeiris
We are alone. We cannot know, and we cannot be known.
We have been suffering all alone.
As if everything is honky dory, we carry on laughin
And we hang on blind and deaf, all alone
They say they aren’t our servants.
They cut a cake for a kattadiya in the big bungalow
We are sinking while it is proclaimed they are our masters
Riding boats and choppers they drop a banana, all hollow
They go on spending millions of our money for a jacket now
Then for super luxury villas multi millions
We are starving they carry on while still stealing billions.
Then again & again for super armoured cars all rocketing to trillions
15th February 2016
What a crime is it to talk of anything other than the tragedy of our motherland
While all ought to be discussing everything from origin of species to reaching the next galaxy, what we all are doing is bickering, crying and wailing over the political state of our motherland. But then justifiably so:our education is kicked to the wilderness; our country is sacrificed to the west; our heroes are sacrificed to the Tamil diaspora; our culture and history is devalued; our lifeline of paddy cultivation is being killed; our hand to mouth existence falls apart.
15th February 2016
Moderators of TV discussions with experts on subjects, social critics and scholars
When a participant or an expert on a subject or man with some erudition and eloquence, in a public or televised discussion, brings in evidence to build up an argument, the moderator oughtn’t disturb or interrupt him. The moderator oughtn’t be unduly constrained by the time allocations to the other participants or experts. The audience isn’t interested in all the viewpoints of all the participants, scholars or experts. The audience is interested only in outstanding arguments that would enable them to arrive at the truth.
For this purpose, we need high caliber moderators, who can grasp in a moment, a telling argument is being constructed by the participant.
Furthermore, in an off-hand argument [for which he has no prepared notes in hand], the disturbance or interruption might cause the speaker to loss the focus on an argument being built the on-the-spur of the moment. If such an unfortunate thing happens, the moment being lost, the moment of inspiration or the creative argument being lost, it might not come back to the speaker, perhaps for hours.
25th December 2015
Victor Ratnayake
If a couple of words could sum up the contribution & achievement of Victor Ratnayake, perhaps it could be “Eternal Melodies”
We love his music & we love the man too for bringing Sinhalese music to all of us Sinhalese. If his appearance in Sinhalese music has been a milestone, his contribution has been a river deep & wide.
Victor Ratnayake’s most famous melody “Pave Wala'(Drifting clouds) was said to have been composed during a train journey from Colombo to Bandarawela. http://www.mysrilankaholidays.com/bandarawela.html
24th December 2015
The Lifeline of the nation
During the Rajapakse’s reign, Sri Lanka, has been partially self-sufficient [albeit adequate for only two meals a day] in rice to such an extent that even during the last global recessions in 2008–09, it failed to cause even a tremor in the island. If not for lifeline to the nation, the ‘Water World’, the greatest wealth of the nation, the great network of ancient rainwater reservoirs, we too would have suffered, if not precisely like an East African country, at least like Cambodia during the Vietnam war. Now, the descendents of the marauding destroyers of great kingdoms of Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa, who have no reverence to our Sinhalese heritage, i.e. Reservoir, Buddhist Temple & Stupa, instead of supporting the paddy cultivation in the agricultural nation calls for importing rice from India.
24th December 2015
Castrating the Education System
The regime is hell bent in keeping your sons and daughters in darkness: it castrate everything connected to the education from school uniform to the university admissions. The logic is age-old: the ill-educated can be governed with greater ease. This is the very reason you all should make sure your children carry on studies with an aim no less than a doctorate in his/her field and then stay in our motherland to struggle for the betterment of one and all against the regimes.
21st December 2015
Ad hominem
You may debate the argument; you may not criticise person/s or insult their Intelligence. To do so is to commit the logical fallacy of ad hominem attack. Ad hominem (Latin) means “against the man”. As the name suggests, it is a literary term that involves commenting on or against an opponent to undermine him instead of his arguments.
Situational irony
There’s a situational irony herein: Sunil was rejected by the populace in general election; he was appointed a member of the parliament by the government or president kicking out the verdict of the people; the people are aghast at the insult upon their verdict; now he speaks for the suppressed populace against the government or so called budget in line with those thousands and thousand protested at the Central Railway Station, Fort, Colombo.
The bums
A gang of genuine third rate punks: nothing works, whatever they do, wherever they go. All they have managed to do is radicalizing the very ordinary Sinhalese, the average man, the man who hasn’t been much interested in politics or thinking along racial lines.
US Dollars
Once one establishes a party or movement, it is corruptible. US Dollars will buy it off. Each one can act and react on individual basis; your contributions towards a cause can also be done without becoming a member of any of those parties or movements. So once it is bought off by an interested party and the cause is betrayed, you walk out, The corrupted unit is bound to fall
20 December 2015
You are Satan
You betray your motherland, your nation to hoard US Dollars. Then you carry on with bottomless debauchery, carry tales, weave lies,sink in hatred upon your opponents day out. For what end? Nobody among us is free of vices, but you are sin and crimes in blood, flesh and filthiest mouth.
17 December 2015
Singhalese, rise up!
This is an appeal to all Singhalese. Please speak up, raise your voice. Such is the time, talking about books, movies, entrainment, cricket, even the nature, literature, humanity and divinity has now become a crime and a sin, for it has become a waste of time. Now, the time has come to talk on how to re-save the nation saved by the former king. bunpeiris
“The time has come,” the Walrus said,
Of cabbages–and kings– Lewis Carroll
15 December 2015
Sri Lanka, the Singhalese Buddhist Country
Sri Lanka, the Singhalese Buddhist Country
Where is it written?
It is written in water: in the lifeline of ancient & modern Sri Lanka, the network of thousand s of rainwater reservoirs built by the ancient kings of Sri Lanka.
Where is it written?
It is written in stone: in the numerous rock craved colossal buddha statues of Sri Lanka.
Where is it written?
It is written in the bricks:in the numerous great Buddhist stupas & temples of Sri Lanka.
Where is it written?
It is written in books: Mahawamsa, Dipawamsa
Where it is written?
It is written in architecture, literature, irrigation and culture of Sri Lanka.
10th December 2015
My Name is Commander
These days, all those hotshots are getting earful, mouthful, webfull, newsfull, from just one man: he has two great Sanskrit names. His first name is a name of a king in Sri Lanka. His surname itself means “COMMANDER”. A super shot, this guy is: has no fear.
10th December 2015
In the World Stage, without competence in English Language, you are NOBODY.
All others are strictly regional, country, ethnic or tribal languages. English is the only global language today. A man who doesn’t speak English is sunk in the global stage; he has no access to the knowledge. Hate English language to the death, if you wish, but be exceptionally competent in it. Don’t get deceived by other arguments.
Sinhalese derived from Sanskrit & Pali, is in fact a superior language, but indeed, you don’t get anywhere with Sinhalese.
Recently, we saw evidence at the United Nations: nobody paid any attention even when the instantaneous automatic translation was available. It was pathetic.
3rd December 2015
When the Law isn’t an Ass
Stephen Gerald Breyer’s (born August 15, 1938) pragmatic approach to the law “will tend to make the law more sensible”; according to Cass Sunstein, Breyer’s “attack on originalism is powerful and convincing”.
In 2006, Breyer said that in assessing a law’s constitutionality, while some of his colleagues “emphasize language, a more literal reading of the [Constitution’s] text, history and tradition”, he looks more closely to the “purpose and consequences”
How did this happen? How did Breyer become a man of diametric opposition to the regular lawyers.
His was not a one-track mind; he was trained in other disciplines too.
Breyer received a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from Stanford University, a Bachelor of Arts from Magdalen College at Oxford University.
24th November 2015
They want us to volunteer
When you are merely trying to earn your bread without butter day and night, others make earnest requests for you to volunteer for this and that cause. Crazy osthars.
Where will you go sans the overriding virtue of COURAGE
The most frightening vice of this man is not his ill-education, but his sheer lack of courage.
14th October 2015
Anti LTTE hysteria???
After three decades of war and terrorism, is it hysteria?
After three decades of battery and barricades, is it hysteria?
After three decades of bombs and bullets, is it hysteria?
After three decades of suicide bombing, is it hysteria?
After three decades of bus, train and aircraft bombings, is it hysteria?
after three decades of fire and thunder, is it hysteria?
After three decades of mass murder and mayhem, is it hysteria?
After three decades of death and destruction, is it hysteria?
After billions of wasted money of the people, is it hysteria?
After lives of 50 thousand soldiers and 27 thousand lost limbs, is it hysteria?
8th September 2015
Power is ephemeral, Glory is eternal.
Don’t we read Homer even today; don’t we enjoy Troy?
Killing the nation
It would be a world of good to all if the morons and the hateful hearts simply mind their business or dharma. But then that wouldn’t happen. All have opinions. Unfortunately some opinions will help destroy the nation.
Nothing in Excess
You shouldn’t be crazy on anything, any deed, any word or any skirt. All ought to be tempered in moderation. mēdén ágan [nothing in excess]
4th September 2015
Not all can be become greater heroes, but one can always become a lesser villain.
Context: with a view of the heroes and villains in our country.
Greater heroes are born for the fortune of a country; they cannot be produced, cultivated or refined by others.
Context: with a view of the heroes and villains in our country.